Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fear and Hate at Another Palin Rally

Lest we forget that the rest of the world is getting a sneak peak at the ignorance, hate and fear that is being incited in this country...specifically toward Muslims.

This is a report from Al Jazeera on a recent Palin rally in St. Clairsville, OH. The reporter is American---and looks like many of the people he's interviewing---which may explain the ease with which these people discuss their fears about Obama. Remember, Al Jazeera is seen by most of the Arab world.

This video was originally posted on Daily Kos, and the diarist (okayokayokay) astutely notes that this clip is different than other recent footage of Palin rallies where attendees seem to be directing their anger toward protestors and Obama supporters.
The people of St Clairsville seem to have no idea who they are speaking to. The interviewer, Casey Kauffman, looks like he could be simply another good church-going Christian citizen from the 99% white area of southeastern Ohio. The result? These Palin supporters lower their guards, and appear to actually be human, with fears and insecurities like everyone else (even if they are racist fears and insecurities). I actually kind of feel sorry for these folks. They are being manipulated by the McCain campaign.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Visionary Plan for Combating Poverty

Sam Stein lays out Obama's innovative anti-poverty plan---something that has been largely gone unnoticed during the campaign. Once again it highlights Obama's visionary and non-ideological approach to address the myriad problems facing us today.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama Predicted the Ugliness

In July, Obama knew what card the McCain and company would play against him: more fear and hate.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Taxman Cometh

What woman could be expected to get her silly ole taxes right when she's havin' it all--- jugglin' her busy governor/hockey mom schedule of incitin' hatred and spreadin' smears all across this great nation of ours? (wink)

Oops...looks like we forgot those doggone per diems , Todd. We'll get right back to ya' on those, Mr. Joe-IRS.

Gallup: American Satisfaction at an All-Time Low

This election cycle is breaking records left and right. Here's a little nugget for W. to frame and hang in his presidential library.

It seems that only nine (yes, 9--that's not a typo) percent of Americans are "satisfied with the way things are going in the United States"---the lowest number ever measured by Gallup.

No real shocker for those of us who have been paying attention. But how much lower can it go? Might we reach 0 percent? Perhaps that's the October Surprise.

The previous record-low was 12 percent set back in 1979 during the gas shortages when Carter was president.
Spin that, McGollum.

Take a Trip to Palin-Land

Just in case you were thinking of resting on some laurels and high poll numbers for the last 28-odd days...

American News Project takes a look inside a pro-Palin rally set up by the McCain campaign on the night of VP debate. What a nice bunch of zealots folks.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The New Yorker Endorsement Says It All

A eloquent and comprehensive summary of why we must elect Obama (and soundly reject the McCain/Palin ticket and all it represents).
The years ahead will demand not only determination but also diplomacy, flexibility, patience, judiciousness, and intellectual engagement. These are no more McCain’s strong suit than the current President’s. Obama, for his part, seems to know that more will be required than willpower and force to extract some advantage from the wreckage of the Bush years.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah's Cheat Sheet

Letterman Keeps Making Funnies

One of the greatest aspects of Sarah Palin is that she keeps bringing out the best in a lot of funny and creative folks (wink, point, hair flip).